SEE Science Notes (Give Advantages or Effects of)

Give Advantage or effects of -

Use of Nitrogen Fertilizer

a.    It helps to increase crop yielding.

b.    It is used for fast growth and development of plants.

Advantage of Sexual Reproduction

a.    As a result of increase in the number of organism by sexual reproduction, the race of a species is continued.

b.    Because of it new combination of character appear in offspring.

Importance of mitosis cell division

a.    It helps in genetic stability.

b.    It replaces the old and worn out cells.

c.    It helps in healing of wounds.

Effect of ozone layer depletion

a.     It causes global warming.

b.     it increases the amount of ultraviolet (UV) radiation that reaches Earth's surface, which increases the rate of skin cancer, eye cataracts, and genetic and immune system damage.

Importance of leguminous plants

a.    They increases the nitrogen content of soil and thus increases the fertility of soil.

Uses of Glycerol

a.    It is used as lubricants in watches.

b.    It is used in the manufacture of good quality soap and cosmetics.

Function of Insulin

a.     It decreases the blood level in the blood.

Function of Variation

a.    They form basis of heredity.

b.    They enable organism to adapt themselves in changing environment.

Uses of ether

a.    It is used as solvent.

b.    It is used as cooling agent.

Uses of Carbondioxide

a.    It is used in the manufacture of soft drinks.

b.    It is used by plants during photosynthesis.

Uses of Ammonia

a.    It is used for developing blue print of maps.

b.    Its solution is used as laboratory reagent.

Effect of green house gases

a.    It causes global warming

b.    Water cycle is also affected by it.

Advantage of artificial green house

a.    It is used to grow summer season vegetable during winter season.

Uses of ethyl alcohol

a.     It is used as fluid in thermometer.

b.     It is used as alcoholic beverages.

Functions of Blood

a.    It carries oxygen to various parts of body.

b.    It helps to regulate body temperature.

Uses of mushroom

a.    It is taken as nutritious food.

b.    It helps to prevent high blood pressure.

Importance of fossils

a.    They provide evidence of evolution.

b.    They help to make geological time scale.

Use of hydrometer

a.    It is used to measure the specific gravity of liquids.

b.    It is also used to find the density of liquids.

Advantages of parallel combination of resistor

a.    The resistor works if anyone resistor does not work.

b.    If the number of lamps in this connection is reduced their brightness is not affected.

Uses of Eletromagnets

a.    Electromagnets are widely used in electrical appliances such as loudspeaker, radio etc.

b.    They are used in separation of magnetic bodies from garbage’s. 

Function of heavy bulb of hydrometer

a.    It helps to keep the hydrometer erect to know the proper reading can be done.

Uses of Iron

a.    It is used in the manufacture of steel.

b.    It is used in making of household utensils.

Uses of Aluminium

a.    It is used for making electric wires.

b.    It is used for making coins and alloys.

Uses of Copper

a.    It is used for making electric wires.

b.    It is used for making dyes, pesticides and insecticides.

Uses of Silver

a.    It is used as jewelry.

b.     Silver Bromide is used in photography.

Function of thyroxin

It helps for growth of body and stimulates cellular metabolism.

Function of Progesterone Hormone

Ø  It prepares uterus suitable for the development of embryo.

Function of insecticides

a.    They kill harm full insect quickly.

b.    They help to control several diseases by killing germs.

Function of Right Auricle

a.    It receives deoxygenated blood from different part of body and pumps the blood to the right ventricle.

Function of Right Ventricle

It receives the deoxygenated blood from right auricle and pumps the blood to the lungs.

Function of Left Auricle

It receives the oxygenated blood from lungs and pumps the blood into the left ventricle.

Functions of Left Ventricle:

It receives the pure blood from let auricle and pumps blood to various parts of body.

Uses of Step up and Step Down Transformer

It is used in electrical grids to save electrical energy during power transmission through overhead wire.

Function of W.B.C.

It helps in the defense of the body from germs.

Function of R.B.C.

It helps in transportation of oxygen and carbon dioxide to various parts of body.

Function of Sphygmomanometer

It is used to measure the blood pressure of human beings.

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