SEE Science Notes (Theories and Laws)


Universal Law of Gravitation: It states that “Everybody in this universe attracts each other with a force which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers”.

Archimedes Principle: It states that “when a body is partially or wholly immersed in liquid it experiences an up thrust which is equal to the weight of liquid displaced.”

Pascals Law: It state that “when pressure is applied to liquid enclosed in a vessel it is transmitted equally in all directions." 

Law of dominance: It state that “when a cross is made between a pair of characters, only one of them is able to express itself phenotypically while the other remains hidden in F1 generation.”

Law of segregation of gametes:

It states that, “The two members off a pair of factors separate during the formation of gametes. They do not blend with each other, but segregate out into different gametes. Thus any gamete is not impure.”

Law of independent Assortment:

It states that, “When two pairs of independent alleles are brought together in the hybrid. They at the time of gamete formation segregate or assort at random and freely.”

Faradays law of Electromagnetic Induction

 i. whenever magnetic flux linked with a closed circuit changes, e.m.f. is induced in the circuit.

ii. The induced e.m.f. lasts as long as the change in the magnetic flux is taking place.

iii. The magnitude of induced e.m.f. is directly proportional to the rate of change of magnetic flux.

Principle of Floatation:

It states that “Weight of floating body is equal to the weight of liquid displaced.”

Nebular Hypothesis

According to this hypothesis the masses formed in the sky from small dust particle began to collide with one another due to gravity. As the process continued, the Earth, along with different planet and satellite were formed.

Planetisimal Hypothesis:

According to this hypothesis, the Earth along with other planets and satellite was formed when a comet moving around the universe stroke the Sun a long years ago.

Tidal Hypothesis:

According to this hypothesis a big star orbiting round the sun finally approached it. The star with its own attraction caused a tide to be developed from the Sun. As this tidal mater fragmented in the course of cooling, planets, satellite etc. were formed and the solar system was created. In this process, the Earth was formed.

Conclusion of Gunie and feather experiment:

It confirms that, “Acceleration due to gravity of freely falling bodies, whatever the masses, are the same in the absence of air resistance.”

Principle of Calorimeter:

It states that, “Heat energy lost from the body at higher temperature is equal to the energy gained by body at lower temperature provided no heat is allowed to loss to the surrounding.”

Principle of thermometer:

It state that “When a body is heated, it expands and it contracts on cooling.”

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